Friday, April 21, 2006

Dear Friends
Hu Jin Tao is now is now in the U.S. I just saw him standing next to George. I heard his speech. I heard what he had to say about Taiwan, and I heard what George had to say about it all. If Taiwan decides to join China… that is Taiwan’s choice. Unlike China, Taiwan is a democracy. People here are free to choose their leaders, their religion, and their path in life. There is freedom here that I have never known before. These people know what it means to have rights. They have lived it! In my lifetime these people lived under marshal law. These people have been close allies with the U.S. since WWII. During the days of the Red Scare & McCarthyism the U.S. saw Taipei as the official capital and leadership of China. Now the U.S. is willing to forsake millions of people for a bit of economic gain.
I only hope that his (Hu Jin Tao’s) call for peace is sincere. China still has a long way to go before it can be trusted. It has some severe civil rights violations still in practice and it must be called on to be a better steward of the environment. Taiwan will choose when it wishes to be part of China again. As a U.S. citizen here in Taiwan, I know the U.S. needs to standby Taiwan as a long time friend and not jump onto an economic bandwagon with abandon.
Friends and family back home, please pay attention to this issue, listen and think. Let me know your opinions on this matter. If Taiwan and China are to reunify let it be on behalf of a democracy and not the remnants of the worst “communism” had to offer.

xiaxia ni or thank you very much….from this side of the world… Daniel James

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I am just trying to get another post out. I would love for this blog to be more ordered and chronological, but its a bit late for that. As I have mentioned before, numerous circumstances had keep me from writing, and now with tech and language barriers overcame, the problem is how to make up for lost time. I have decided not to worry about chronology. So with that in is something old and somethings new.

As I had mentioned before I was lucky enough to spend 5 days in Thailand. I have plans of posting some of my own photos, but for now, here are some photos from one of the beautiful women I spent time in Thailand with.
Picture of our Thailand Trip ...Taken by TINA


More recently... Here is a link to a few photos from another reason why I have been burning the candle at both ends;..but oh what a beautiful light.
"Spring Scream"

Spring Scream

"Spring Scream" is 10 days of fun and music in the south of Taiwan. Its held on a private campground in a mountain valley in Kenting National Park. It is surrounded by beautiful mountains and tropical forest. It is a 3 minuet scooter ride to some awesome beaches. I can't even start to tell you all the ways this event rocked my world. Yet again this is another moment I would love to consolidate into writing, but not right now.
"Spring Love" was an amazing event held only blocks from my apartment. This was convenient because I didn't need to try and tell yet another taxi driver my address in Chinese. I was able to walk home as the rainy sky changed from black to grey. Here is a review with pictures brought to us by our friends at Taiwan Nights:


For those who are interested Taiwan Nights is one of the best english resources for finding out about night life here in the R.O.C.....


Until next time............>>>>>>>>.............Daniel James

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Some Photos From Thailand!!!

A few of many photos taken in Phuket and on Phi Phi Island

Breakfast on PHI PHI Island

Hello every one. I have been getting frantic emails asking if I was still alive. Some have wondered If I had been blown away in a typhoon, or something else equally tragic. To put all fears to rest, let me tell you that I am doing well. Life moves fast here. I have been busy...very busy. I will eventually get around to writing about most of it at some point. Now I am just trying to get something new up. I have a ton of reasons why I haven't updated, but now is not the time to write about them.
Stay tuned for new updates soon.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Life is awesome!