Friday, March 09, 2007

Got back from Yanshui earlier this week. It was truly intense;

A "Beehive" about to be launched. Thousands of rocket, stacked in rows, and aimed at a mass of humanity.

I hope that I wasn't permanently scared for life.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Earthquake 11:40 PM.

It wasn't that big. I have yet to notice any structural damage, but there was just a long and disturbing series of quakes. It's still a surreal experience. I sat on the couch and watched the ceiling fan shake back and forth. I watched the television wobble precariously; waiting for it to get bigger...DJH


Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year
Some random shots from my Chinese New year trip. It was amazing, Taroko was breathtaking. I would love to write more, But I need to get ready for one of the worlds most dangerous festivals,the BEEHIVE ROCKETS OF YENSHUI..... I will try to update everyone soon.....DJ

Happy Chinese New Year
