More from my time on the Mekong Delta.
Here are a few more pictures from the delta. We spent the morning of day 4 exploring it a bit further before heading north to the village of Cu Chi. We had another fun filled adventure on a locals bus. The delta was great. I wish I had had more time to explore it.
This picture is of the outdoor temple of the "Coconut Monk." He was a monk that survived on nothing but coconuts. He had a large following and was trying to gain political power before Vietnam's civil war really began. The communist were not found of him. They now make great coconut candy on the site of his temple.
This plate full of hairy balls is a common snack in Vietnam. They are a fruit who's name I can't remember. They are actually very good. They have a texture similar to a thick chewy grape. The taste is sweet and never sour. There is a large seed in the center. I can't think of any other way to describe it.
Yet again it is late. I must get to bed before it gets any later. Life here is moving along swiftly. Some how I have managed to start taking actual classes in Chinese. Its exhausting, but well worth it. There is still so much I wish to say about Vietnam. Soon I will get around to it. If you have any questions feel free to submit them to the comments and I will try to answer them.
Later........Daniel James